Skip to main content winds can be brutal, can’t they? Meteorologists regularly forecast high winds around the state and, unfortunately, it’s not always a seasonal happening. With these changing weather patterns always around us, as Okies, we’d like to remind you about the damage high winds can cause your roof. Just this month, Oklahoma has experienced gusts up to 50 mph and we aren’t in “tornado season”!

Even storms that produce little or no hail can damage your roof. Over time, intense winds can create problems with lasting effects. Strong winds carry debris that can compromise the life of your shingles. In this informative article, according to the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), most wind damage to a roof starts on the edge. The loosening of shingles at the edges eventually moves to other areas of your roof creating a number of issues. And, because winds don’t sweep across surfaces uniformly, the damage also varies.

So, how do you detect this kind of damage? Maybe you’ve seen shingles blown off or perhaps you’ve noticed the edges of your roof line coming up. These are clear signs your roof has been compromised. What can be even more concerning, however, is the damage you aren’t able to see from the ground. For this kind of inspection, a local, reputable roofer should be called. Someone who can assess the integrity of your shingles is a valuable asset to a property owner.

It’s important to remind you that wind damage to your roof can lead to poor insulation and, poor insulation costs you money. What appears to be a minor issue with a few shingles missing, if left for long, can snowball into a much larger issue. Don’t procrastinate if you suspect you have wind damage to your roof. Let a professional at Capstone Roofing provide you a free inspection and, if needed, repair your roof properly.


Capstone Roofing

Author Capstone Roofing

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